Monday, October 17, 2011

Follicle Chronicles: My hair in Philly

The natural hair struggle is real, y'all. At least it was in Philadelphia.

Due to busyness and procrastination, I didn't get a chance to wash and twist my hair before I was able to catch my plane. I figured I would be able to work something out and find the time to do something to my hair when I arrived. I was wrong. I was barely in the hotel room for an hour before someone burst into the door and I heard, "Get up! Get dressed! You're going to a reception with me." It was Benet Wilson a.k.a. our beloved Aunt Benet and I wasn't going to say no to Auntie so I got up, got dressed and did some weird tuck thing to my hair. Not my best job, but it worked!

Here's a picture:
Me and Auntie at the reception. Picture courtesy of Andrew Humphrey

I thought this hairdo would be a one-time thing. I was wrong. One thing I learned during my stay in Philly was the convention will keep a person busy! I barely had time to take a breath let alone twist my hair up. As a result, I wore the style for another day. 

I ended up hating it so I decided to throw some chunky twists in my hair and hope for the best in the morning. Thank goodness for the twist-out. My hair came out looking like this:
It lasted until the day I left to go home. 

I'm determined to do better. How? I might try the following

Wear it straight
I suck at using heat in my hair so it would have to be done by someone else. My hair hasn't been straight in over a year because I don't want to damage it. Hopefully, one of the people I'm rooming with will know her way around a flat iron without frying my tresses.

I love twists, twist-outs and my fro but I think I need to be a tad more versatile especially for social and business functions. Looks like it's time for me to peruse a few blogs and Youtube channels. I might whip out my perm rod and rollers and improve my rollersetting skills. 

Hopefully, I'll be more prepared for NOLA. 

NABJ naturals, what did you do with your tresses in Philly? What are you going to do for NOLA?

Side note: See that little box on the top hand corner? It's connected to my Road to NOLA fund. If you're so inclined, spare a dollar or two. No amount is too big or small. It all counts!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Just throw it in the bag....

Poor thing. It has seen better days. 

I was elated when I got my NABJ backpack in Philly. To me, that bag was the ultimate souvenir. I felt a little burst of pride as I rolled it around Philadelphia with my convention badge hanging around my neck. The handle is a tad short, but that didn't stop me from taking to all of my workshops. Even now, that backpack has become my computer bag. Whenever I want to take Coco, my laptop, on campus, I bring out the NABJ bag and Coco is able to roll through Atlanta with me. Sadly, due to wear and tear, I will be retiring the bag soon. Thankfully, I'll be getting another in NOLA and a little birdie told me that convention planners want feedback from members about next year's bags. Personally, I wouldn't mind another backpack as along as the handle is a tad longer. 

What about you? What do you want to carry in NOLA?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Get involved!

Me and Rachel Huggins (@HugginsRachel) in Philly for NABJ '11! I'm going to use pictures from the trip for posts as often as possible!

Over the past few months, I have made it my business to become more involved with my local NABJ chapter. I am on the executive board for the chapter at my school and I regularly attend events and meetings hosted by the professionals. I have never left an AABJ event dissatisfied and I always encourage other students to come. Sadly, I think this advice tends to fall on deaf ears.

In April, I wrote an article for my school paper urging journalism students to get involved with student media and professional organizations.

Here's an excerpt:
There are probably hundreds of journalism students on campus, yet, when I have asked students if they are involved in student media, I usually get a blank stare. I usually get the same reaction if I ask someone if they are involved in professional organizations like the Atlanta Press Club or the National Association of Black Journalists.
It seems like that message has fallen on deaf ears. Trying to get people to come to meetings and events can be like pulling teeth. I can make the prettiest flier and talk about networking until I am blue in the face but as the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Only a few horses are drinking.

I didn't write this post to complain or make myself look good. I want this platform to promote student involvement in NABJ and other journalism organizations. Students, we literally have hundreds of opportunity at our finger tips and in our backyards and we're not using them as much as we should. The professionals want to help. They like seeing us at events and speaking up at meetings. After all, they were in our place at one point. They know how hard it is for someone to get into the journalism industry, especially as a person of color. But, the can't help us if they don't know us. We need to get involved.

If you have an NABJ chapter at your school, go to the meeting and show up to the events. If not, get some people together and start one. If you need help, let someone know! Reach out to your NABJ family.

If you're ever in Atlanta or we happen to pass by each other at a convention, speak! I won't bite you and I won't side-eye you. I'm sure there are plenty of other members that have the same open door policy.

As yet another saying goes, a close mouth don't get fed.

How you you get and stay involved?

Friday, October 7, 2011

NABJ 2012 Teaser

I don't know about you but I'm ready! 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Link Love: 10 Steps to Being a Better Student Journalist

Check out this guest post by student member Ameena Rasheed on the NABJ Digital blog.

Here's an excerpt:

I was able to attend the 2011 NABJ Multimedia Short Course at Florida A&M University, Sept. 8-11 and it was an exceptional experience. I learned a wealth of information that made me a better journalist and I feel the need to share those skills that I learned with my fellow NABJ students. Here we go!
1. This first tidbit is one that I received from Florida A&M University Professor Dorothy Bland. Expand your network and get involved in a multitude of journalism and professional organizations. From the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) to the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), there are a plethora of associations you can join to diversify your network. Try to shy away from keeping your circle of connections “strictly chocolate.”
2. Make sure you not only know current events, but details about historical events in history like 9/11. Don’t forget about government officials (President’s Cabinet and Supreme Court Justices) and international dignitaries. REMEMBER: Spelling counts, so make sure that you know the names of these people backwards and forwards. Many news organizations, like CNN, give current events quizzes to future employees. The last thing that you want to do is end up unemployed because of something like a misspelled name.

My chapter featured on the national site!

Check it out!