Saturday, June 9, 2012

I Made a Pintrest Board!

Hey all! The convention is in less than two weeks!

I've decided to actually use my Pintrest account and create a NOLA themed board. If you want to be able to pin to it, please let me know!

And this blog is going to be moved to a different host so I'll be able to update it more efficiently. Stay tuned for the new URL! Please and thanks!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Will this happen?

I'm frustrated.

A month outside of the convention and I'm not sure I will be able to make this happen.

I want to take the trip. I don't want to let anyone down but I have to be rational. I have to be realistic. I've always said that there is a possibility that I would not be able to take this trip. I knew that going in with Philadelphia. I know that going in with this trip. However, I don't feel any less disappointed.

There's a lot riding on this trip. I'm on a panel about hustling. I don't want to let the people that put this together to feel slighted.

My reputation could be affected by this as well. After all, how can I be the one pushing people to go to the convention when there is a possibility that I cannot make it myself? I don't feel right doing that and that is why I have not been doing it as much as I used to. It feels hypocritical.

I didn't write this post to pity or guilt anyone.

I didn't write it thinking money would get thrown at me.

I wrote it to vent.

I wrote it to be transparent because this is the reality for many students.

Am I saying we shouldn't try to go? No!

I'm still going to try. I'm still going to promote. I have given myself a deadline and I'm going to stick to that deadline.

I'm going to try to make this work.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

A snap from the Student's Choice Awards at NABJ '11! It was a lot of fun to be had and I hope to have some more!

You can donate to my NABJ '12 trip here.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Yesterday was my first day of relaunching this blog and today, one of my friends told me I inspired her to get an idea of hers off of the ground. When she told me that, I was humbled. That conversation took me back to last August. I had made it to Philadelphia. I was introducing myself to people and trying to network and almost every time my name left my or someone else's lips, this blog or fundraising tweets were mentioned. An introvert by nature, the attention took me aback but I still appreciated the love. These people let me know that I didn't do all of this in vain. My friend's kind words conjured up similar feelings. She reminded me why I am doing this again.

I've went into these fundraisers knowing there is a chance I wouldn't be able to make it to the convention. I made it to Philadelphia but that doesn't mean I will make it to New Orleans. However, even if I don't make it, I know that I will still gain something from this experience. If my fundraising and blogging inspires someone to take a chance at a goal, then I know that I have accomplished something. Knowing that I have inspired other people inspires me. That is just as valuable, if not more, than the trips themselves.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm back!

Ash back! Ash back! *Rick Ross voice*

Welcome back to From ATL to Philly!

I know it has been a while but I am ready to start this journey again. In the midst of school, writing and a host of other things, I started fundraising again but I tried to do without the blogging component. Big mistake. It was a bit of laziness on my part and for that, I apologize. It isn't right of me to ask someone for something and not hold up my end and it took a phone call from one of my mentors to pull me out of my slump. I'm out and I'm ready to hustle. There are two months until the convention and I plan to use those two months.

Will I get to New Orleans? I have no idea. If I don't make it, I will be able to say I tried to make it.